Hi! I’m Courtney! I’m a historian, tourism & heritage professional, and travel curator. I have two postgraduate degrees in Heritage Management, and have spent decades working for tourism & heritage organisations such as Historic Royal Palaces and the National Trust.
I created this blog because I love travelling, but very rarely saw travel blogs I felt I could relate to. If you’re wondering about the name ‘Her Grand Tour’ – click here to learn about my inspiration.
I am not your typical ‘travel blogger’ Insta-girl who spends her entire time on holiday trying to capture the best photo in an enormous princess dress while spamming you with tooth whitening sponsorships.
Instead, think of me as your own personal liability of a best friend… the marginally inappropriate one who gives it to you straight, who isn’t afraid of carbs, and who talks you into going to that bar down the creepy alley in Russia (whoops).
I’m a ‘young’ traveller (hello, mid-thirties, where did you come from?), but I’m not a backpacker. In fact… the idea of lugging all that crap around on my back and sharing rooms with total strangers makes me want to literally die. I’m also not a billionaire who can afford to splash out £1,000 a night on the leading hotels of the world – although I do love a bit of luxury!
What I am is an adventurous, curious woman – here to encourage authenticity in travel, supporting local culture & businesses, learning, leaning into adventure, and yeah – let’s be honest – a lot of eating and drinking. Care to join me?
x Courtney
Shout out to my explorer heroes – Bill Bryson with his hilarious and brutally honest travel books, and Simon Reeve (non-Brits, look him up!) with his unquestionable ability to truly understand the cultures of the places he visits.
If you’ve learned a lot or enjoyed your time here on my blog and want to say thanks, feel free to buy me a glass of wine (my favourite currency).
Are you still in the London area? Im headed to Windsor on Tuesday 3/3/15 for afternoon before my flight to Iceland for a few days and I’d love to meet a fellow american traveler! Enjoy your travels and stay safe.
Hi Meredith! I’m living over in Bath now, or else I would have loved to! Enjoy Windsor – there’s an incredible old book shop on the walk from Windsor to Eton (if I remember right it’s just on the left after you cross over the bridge). Very jealous of Iceland. One of my best friends has just come back and she had nothing but good things to say about it, I’d love to go soon! Safe travels, and get some photos up when you’re in Iceland – I’m sure it’ll be gorgeous! x
How do you like Bath? I visited for a day about a month ago… and maybe it was the naivety of not knowing what to do once there (besides the roman baths), but I was slightly disappointed :/
Iceland photo’s to come soon. I just got back from Munich yesterday, and leave for Sheffield Friday. Lots to catch up on haha
take care. – Meredith
I love Bath. It’s definitely a city that can be difficult for the first time. I know a lot of friends who have been and felt the same, they just went to the Roman Baths and had lunch and headed home. There’s a great museum about the architecture of Bath (all of the huge crescents etc.) – and there’s also a great story about all of the Georgian mayhem that went on here in places like Sydney Pleasure Gardens. There’s free Mayor’s guide tours you can go on that are fantastic, I always recommend them to anyone coming here. It’s a 90 min or so walking tour.
Looking forward to the Iceland photos! Did you get a glimpse of the lights? I bet it was gorgeous regardless. Feeling you on the catching up… my mind is still in Venice right now and I’ve been back for a few days! x
Hi Courtney! So happy to have found your blog! I’m a travel lover too so following you will definitely be useful and inspiring! I’m looking forward to reading your posts!
I’m Italian and my city is 30 min by train from Venice…I totally feel you about that city!
Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I’ve been reading your blog this morning, and I am loving it! Where are you from in Italy, Padova?
My pleasure!
Yes Padova!! You know it?? 
Sì! Padova è una città molto bella.
a very nice black/white photo!
I love them…
best regards from Italy
Hey! I just stumbled across your blog before my 9th trip to Venice, and I feel like I’m discovering new places/eats/shops for the first time through you. Thank you for your wonderful tips! I enjoy your tone (conversational, accessible), but also your mix of high and low.
Thank you so much, Sabrina! Lovely to have a fellow Venice lover here, and your kind words mean even more knowing that you love the city too!
Hi! Headed to Venice next month. Where should I buy a mask?
Hi Cherry! I’ve got a blog just for that! Here you go: https://hergrandtour.com/venetian-masks/